transmission flush for your Mercedes AMG BMW

We offer you a professional transmission oil flushing at the Nürburgring. By the way, for many brands such as Mercedes-Benz, AMG, VW, Audi and BMW.

transmission flush

We are specialized in Mercedes- AMG and BMW

Complaints such as poor starting, jerking, late upshifts, judder when starting, vibrations and similar shifting problems of the automatic transmission are known to almost all employees of a car repair shop. Customers complain about this misbehavior of the transmission and wish for a “buttery” smooth shifting of the automatic transmission.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case, because metallic abrasion, residues and deposits, which can never be completely avoided, build up in the automatic transmission, affect the function of the sensitive control valves and impede the flow of oil in the transmission. The metallic abrasion stresses the entire system and impairs lubrication, which in turn can lead to increased abrasion on the aluminum components (especially also on the switching slide). All this can cause problems with shifting and significantly shorten the life of the automatic transmission.

Only a “complete automatic transmission oil change = flushing” can remove deposits in the system almost completely. However, this is usually very labor and cost intensive. For some types of gearboxes, it is not possible to replace the oil completely in the conventional way due to the design, e.g. if the torque converter does not have a drain plug.

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which maintenance interval

The frequency of gearbox flushing depends on many factors. Generally, this is necessary after 60,000 to 80,000 miles driven or every 4 to 6 years for the average driver.

Why a transmission flush

wha transmission flush ?

In addition to changing your oil regularly, it is recommended that you also take your transmission in for a transmission flush at regular intervals. But why is a simple oil change sometimes not enough?

The answer to this question is quite simple, with a simple oil change about 40 to 50 percent of the old oil remains in the gearbox! Thus, during an oil change, the new gear oil mixes with the old oil left behind. This allows old contaminants to come out of the gearbox and mix with the new gear oil. A transmission flush can remove up to 97 percent of the used oil from the transmission, removing almost all dirt particles from the transmission.

Waste oil removal
Engine Building
Suspension upgrades

Although regular oil changes can go a long way, you should perform regular transmission flushes to completely rid your transmission of old gear oil.

Does your transmission oil pan look like this?

The transmission oil should be changed every 80,000-100,000Km. Why you can see here.

The requirements for the oil in an automatic transmission (also DSG) are significantly more varied than in a manual transmission. In addition to lubricating, cooling and protecting against corrosion, the oil also has a regulating function in these types of gearboxes. At the same time, the oil must withstand extremely high temperatures. With their specific friction coefficients, the oils make a significant contribution to the proper functioning of the multi-plate clutches.

By now, at the latest, it should be clear why worn oil with a changed friction coefficient not only leads to excessive wear on the transmission mechanics, but also to shifting problems.

500sec 24h rpr1000
Q1 01 1

Make an appointment directly

for your gear oil flushing. For a concrete offer, we ideally need a copy of your vehicle registration document, but the HSN/TSN is mandatory.